Humidity Controller

Product Variants-

  1. NxH 801-D

    Dual Channel Humidity Controller, that is powered by a local computer (PLC) to control Nitrogen Flow based on Humidity feedback for 2x chambers.

  2. NxH 902-S

    Is a microprocessor based Single Channel Humidity Controller that controls the Nitrogen flow based on the feedback from humidity sensor for single chamber, this also has an option of wi-fi communication

  3. Central Monitoring

    All NxH 902-S modules can communicate to a central host equipped with our Central Monitoring software to communicate both ways. Multiple Humildity Controllers can be hooked up in daisy chain fashion to infinite numbers though gateways. This can control factory wide Dry Cabinets.

Features of Central Monitoring 

  • Data Transmission to the modules for changing the parameters.
  • Data Transmission from modules to the host computer for the data logging.
  • Alarm Notification; Both local and remote notifications are possible through alarms or messaging